When you come to the edge of all the light you know,
and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing one of two things will happen:
there will be something solid to stand on,
or you will be taught how to fly.
Barbara J. Winter
Pro-Liberty Thought of the Day
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Via Drudge Report |
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Via Being Classically Liberal |
Secretary of State John Kerry had to pass through a metal detector before seeing the Egyptian president. His real worry? The lie detector.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 23, 2014
Sen. John Walsh (D-MT) plagiarized in his 2007 Master's thesis. Joe Biden said, "I've found my 2016 running mate." http://t.co/kX7OKLZKKj
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 23, 2014
Judge Gregory of the fourth circuit argues ordering health insurance is like pizza (but tax coupons honored at state exchanges only),
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 24, 2014
Really, Judge Gregory? ObamaCare is like pizza? Made with costly corrupt legislative sausage, and you have to pay when you don't order it!
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 24, 2014
Free trade is about protecting consumers, not crony suppliers! Stop using protectionist rhetoric aimed at TPP talks! http://t.co/i89RKnPDgw
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 24, 2014
Germany has rediscovered typewriters in its attempts to evade NSA spying. No word yet on bringing back slide rules or tin cans with strings.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 24, 2014
Sen. Rand Paul gets it: "I think Republicans can only win in general if they become more 'live and let live'." http://t.co/P5FcXS56W8
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 24, 2014
OMB praised President Obama for presiding over the “most rapid sustained deficit reduction since WWII.” So Jay Leno is doing standup at OMB?
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 24, 2014
Atlantic City gambled on little regional competition for gaming. Overcapacity + a hollowed-out tax base=downgraded debt rating. No bailouts!
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 24, 2014
The Next President of the United StatesFacebook Corner
(Mercatus Center) Refer to these three principles of deficit spending to help put short-term news into long-term context: http://bit.ly/1A8oMQu
1. don't launch wars to steal other countries' oil. 2. don't give tax cuts to the rich. 3. leave the Social Security trust fund alone. 4. end the taxable wage cap on social security taxes. 5. cut our outrageous military budget... Debt Storm started with Reagan; exacerbated with Dubya...Seriously Bub? Nothing you just said addresses 17 trillion dollars of debt and trillion dollar yearly deficits. We need to be talking about confiscation and redistribution of assets as well as income normalization. Regurgitating a bunch of impotent status quo rhetoric is only going to lead us to more quo. It is time for some evolutionary thinking and immediate action.
My God, all the economic illiterate "progressives" troll here. First of all, The (Incompetent) One has set a world record for deficits and lifetime debt--he'll come close to doubling the entire debt he inherited, without doubling the social security reserve--in fact, social security has been in the red since 2010 on a pay-go basis. This means most of his debt is publicly-held debt. In the meanwhile, the spendthrift has done little to reform senior entitlements--with over $80T, when record revenue barely reaches around $3T. NO to morally corrupt coveting and stealing from other people, you greedy Statist bastards, NO to morally hazardous public policy.
(IPI). Most millennials don’t trust Social Security, according to new survey from Reason-Rupe.
The report found that: “53% of millennials say Social Security is ‘unlikely’ to exist when they are 67 years old, while 45% say it probably will remain.
What's really pathetic is to hear the Demagogues argue that saving and investing your own money is like visiting a casino. Except when you're successful, and they think they have a right to your property. Can you imagine anything more irresponsible than to trust in these same political whores whose corrupt political promises to crony public sector unions have bankrupted several municipalities and put state finances in deep holes and in Washington have run up a $17.5T debt, plus over $80T in unfunded liabilities? Where is this money going to come from?
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Political Humor
An original:
- Sen. John Walsh (D-MT) plagiarized in his 2007 Master's thesis. Joe Biden said, "I've found my 2016 running mate."
Judge Gregory of the fourth circuit argues ordering health insurance is like pizza (but tax coupons honored at state exchanges only).
Really, Judge Gregory? ObamaCare is like pizza? Made with costly corrupt legislative sausage, and you have to pay when you don't order it!
Today, Secretary of State John Kerry traveled to Egypt and had to pass through a metal detector before he could meet with officials. Which is ridiculous. Everyone knows he’s made of wood. - Seth Meyers
Secretary of State John Kerry had to pass through a metal detector before seeing the Egyptian president. His real worry? The lie detector.
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Steve Kelley via Rand Paul on FB |
Courtesy of Scott Stantis via IPI |
Billy Joel, "Just the Way You Are"