Quote of the Day
Ideas are like rabbits.You get a couple and learn how to handle them,
and pretty soon you have a dozen.
John Steinbeck
An Earlier One-Off Essay: A Christian "Progressive" Email to Matt Walsh
Chart of the Day
Via CNS |
Image of the Day
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All Hat and No Cattle |
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Via Libertarian Republic |
Father-Child Reunion
Pet-Owner Reunions
Facebook Corner
(LFC). Did you know this? That trendy organic foods not only aren't healthier, but involve pesticides?
Go eat your genetically modified petrochemically laden bioaccumulative nutritionally deficient low quality garbage and die faster you corporate-state worshipping brain-dead zombies!
Methinks that a non-GMO crony is upset at anyone distrusting his fearmongering sales hype for overpriced produce.
(Drudge Report). Rand Paul: 'Congress routinely passes laws they exempt themselves from'…
We need to have a leader in the White House that will veto spending and regulatory expansions to death. We need more honest accounting of assets, expenses and unfunded liabilities. We need limited, noncontiguous terms for elective office, single-term Presidencies, and limited term judicial terms. We need the public ability to repeal laws like ObamaCare and to recall judges and elected officials.
(Cato Institute). "The VA system needs a fundamental overhaul, but these bills would appear to just throw money at the problem without creating structural reforms."
What a morally perverse incentive: the bureaucracy screws up, and the Congress tries to show its concern for vets not by solving the problem by, say, privatizing operations, but by growing the incompetent bureaucracy in charge of gross negligence, throwing away money we don't have...
(Cato Institue). "Laws that prohibit or refuse to recognize same-sex couples’ marriages...violate the constitutional guarantee of equal protection of the laws...Merely invoking 'tradition' can’t save a practice from constitutional prohibition — as has been shown in cases involving segregation, sodomy, and speech restrictions."
What presumptuous crap! The idea that you support special interest cronies and the State intervening on private-sector community social norms, institutions and values is an intrinsic violation of libertarian principles. Utterly contemptible and morally indefensible...
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Gary McCoy via Townhall |
Simon & Garfunkel, "Bridge Over Troubled Water". Series finale. One of the greatest songs ever written.