Some people are always grumbling
because roses have thorns.
I am thankful that thorns have roses.
Allophones Karr
Pro-Liberty Thought of the Day
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Via CAGW |
Facebook Corner
(LFC). This fan is curious to know what the community thinks about the notion that "monopolies are the inevitable result of an unregulated market" and if there is any merit to Adam Smith's idea of the "Invisible Hand"
Progressive trolls. There's no such thing as 'natural monopoly'; this nonsensical theory was used to rationalize the corrupt bargain between a politically favored supplier and government. DiLorenzo thoroughly debunks the claptrap here.
(LFC) Lets say a large city renovates it's riverfront to prevent flooding. This preventative work then forces flood waters further down river where it causes way more damage than ever seen before to smaller communities that can't afford the same kind of flood protection. Does the large city have a financial obligation to the other communities for damages their flood protection made worse?
No. Anyone who builds on or near the coast or on the floodplain assumes the risk. The more preventive community is not responsible for an act of God. This is just another variation justifying morally bankrupt subsidies for flood insurance.
(Bastiat Institute). We need the government for____________.
a small number of enumerated purposes, such as guaranteeing individual rights and enabling free markets and trade.
(Justin Amash). I voted yes on H R 3210, Pay Our Military Act. The bill ensures active-duty servicemembers, and the civilian personnel and contractors who support them, will continue to receive pay and allowances in the event of a partial government shutdown. It passed 423-0.
Why are we carving out double standards? We have bloated budgets everywhere. This is morally hazardous: what incentive is there for DoD to act fiscally responsible when they know people costs are covered?
(Tom Woods). Mises executive director gets an op-ed in Investor's Business Daily. It's not Yellen, it's the Fed itself. Right on!
Granted, but it doesn't help the prospective Fed chief argued that a little inflation is a good thing...
Political Cartoon
Remember "he sees you when you're sleeping; he knows when you're awake" (courtesy of the NSA elves). And if you'e on the naughty list, you'll get "clean coal" in your stocking...
Musical Interlude: My Ipod Shuffle Series
Anne Murray and Dave Loggins, "Nobody Loves Me Like You Do"
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Courtesy of Glenn McCoy via LFC |
Musical Interlude: My Ipod Shuffle Series
Anne Murray and Dave Loggins, "Nobody Loves Me Like You Do"