
Monday, June 24, 2013

Miscellany: 6/24/13

Quote of the Day
The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. 
Every class is unfit to govern.
Lord Acton

Have You Heard of the Ferry to Nowhere?

The Alaskan Congressional delegation (in particular, the late Alaskan Sen. "Earmarker-in-Chief" Stevens) is responsible for a textbook $80M white elephant, the Susitna. This was built, ostensibly for the US Navy, as a multi-functional vessel (ramps for loading/unloading vehicles, ice-breaker, surface ship); as we have come to expect, the gold-plated project went way over budget, the Alaskan-located company that built it went under, and ownership was eventually transferred to Matanuska-Susitna Borough. The intent of the transfer was for the ferry to be used connecting Anchorage to Juneau, although the ship's unusual shape would require costly special docks to be constructed. Long story short, the ferry has been a chronic operational money drain from day one, spending $90K month just to cover insurance, docking fees, and maintenance. The municipality tried to offload it to the Northern Mariana Islands, then it tried to auction it off where a Dutch company offered a $750K bid, and in the latest update via Libertarian Republican, Los Angeles County took a pass, deeming its loading capacity too limited for the cost, not to mention the crew somehow managed to run the ship aground on a demo run. Note to conservatives, Sen. Begich (D), who supported the project while mayor of Anchorage, is up for reelection next year.

Remember the Laffer Curve (Taxation)? Consider the Tabarrok Curve (Innovation)

The Twinkies Are Coming... The Twinkies Are Coming... July 15

I can't indulge (low-carb), but... Unions killed the company, but not the product.

Catholic Voters and Unconstitutional ObamaCare Mandates

Choose Lucy: She's Totally Worth It

Another Military Family Reunion Set

Operation Occupy French Socialist HQ

(HT Libertarian Republican)

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Gary Varvel and Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups Redux

The Beatles, "Roll Over Beethoven"