
Monday, January 18, 2010

Miscellany: 1/18/10

Martin Luther King Day

Let us take time today to reflect on a leader whom relied not on violence but led by moral persuasion in pursuing the realization of the American dream for all citizens; Abraham Lincoln took the first step to correct a moral injustice, conceptually incompatible with our founding ideals; it took generations of other leaders and people of good will to prevail over the unfair institutional treatment of fellow American men, women, and children.

One of my favorite songs from the 1960's is a tribute to our assassinated national leaders. (See the musical interlude segment for a more contemporary rock song.) I think the following Youtube video of the song is well-done:

Dems Threaten Using the Nuclear Option (Budget Reconciliation) to Pass Health Care

Progressives fear that Martha Coakley will lose Tuesday's special election to fill the unexpired term of Ted Kennedy's Senate seat, given the Republicans 41 votes necessary to filibuster the Democratic Party Health Care Bill. A couple of options are being considered: (1) Have the House pass the Senate bill as is, or (2) go to budget reconciliation. The budget reconciliation process would require a different, somewhat stripped down bill. It looks like the White House is pushing the House more towards the Senate bill, given the fragile nature of the 60 votes. Earth to Obama: If Brown wins, consider something you haven't tried: coming to a compromise with the Republicans. For example, consider government catastrophic insurance,  allow marketing of health insurance across states, consider vouchers for individuals purchasing insurance with after-tax dollars, allow small businesses to band together across states with similar advantages enjoyed by large businesses (e.g., self-insurance) and expand high risk plans in states and regions. In other words, look at a more focused health care reform package. The public will punish you not for having second thoughts over an unpopular health care bill but for passing an expensive partisan bill with corrupt bargains that puts their own health care coverage at risk (in terms of costs and other factors).

Rush Limbaugh: Do Not Question Obama's Actions and Motives on Haiti!

Whatever political differences I have with Barack Obama, I do not question his genuine compassion for the plight of the people of Haiti, and I unconditionally support his leadership on this issue and the actions he's taken. Rush's suggestion that Obama was looking for a Haiti-like event for political reasons is unacceptable, and I call on Rush to publicly apologize to the President.

All of us do what we can; I will not question what is in a man's heart when he does a good deed for his fellow brother and sister in Christ. I personally do not discuss my own charitable activities:

Matthew 6:5 New International Version (©1984) 

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

I strongly urge readers if they haven't already and can afford to do so, please consider contributing to Catholic Relief Services, the American Red Cross and/or the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. (I am not suggesting there are not other worthy charities; I believe the White House website lists a number of alternative vetted charitable institutions.)

Political Cartoon

What I like about this Ken Catalino cartoon is the audacity of politicians (including Obama) whom collect huge amounts of money, many times their prospective salaries and then use the money to saturate the airwaves with bumper-sticker negative attack ads, not exactly the stuff of the Douglas-Lincoln debates.

There is a populism on both sides of the spectrum which take shots at fat cat bankers; I do not make what these bankers are making, and I think if I was a shareholder, I would be unhappy about high compensation packages. But on the other hand, bonuses are often a sign of corporate health, and cash is fungible; for example, populists often ignore the base salary--so if the same professional made $400K base versus $200K base and a $200K bonus, they get upset at the latter versus the former? Populists are focusing on a compensation gimmick.

In the consulting business, I've often dealt with two types of full-offers--an all-inclusive base or a lower base plus bonus, guaranteed unless business conditions deteriorate. So, in essence, it allows companies to cut professional compensation in a more indirect fashion. I think most people look at bonuses as an add-on for a job well done--and hence in looking at a near-death experience in the 2008 economic tsunami, I can understand why some people are upset.

But I am troubled hearing Barack Obama scapegoat current bankers (the problem bankers are likely long gone) responsible for getting the banks off the federal teat; why Obama is targeting "deep pocket" bankers, when the real problems were AIG, the automakers, and the GSE's (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac); it's like Obama is performing the lost quarter skit. He needs to get off this excuse--he had been for a senator for 4 years. Doesn't the Congress have a role in checking the SEC, the GSE's, the Fed, etc.? When was he arguing  that the GSE's and the FHA were overexposing the American taxpayer to the risk of speculative mortgages? Oh, he will gladly tell you he opposed "predatory lending". But by that time, the housing bubble had already burst, and the issue was more about banks on foreclosure having to realize losses that shrank their ability to make loans, if not threaten their very solvency. You have to place much of the burden of the blame on bank regulators and policymakers; in particular the Federal Reserve maintained too easy money too long and did a questionable job in terms of supervisory capacity over banks.

I will point out that in a year where the stock market is up sharply, it's not unusual for investment bankers like Goldman Sachs to do well....

Musical Interlude: U2, "Pride (In the Name of Love)"

Pride (In the Name of Love)

One man come in the name of love
One man come and go
One come he to justify
One man to overthrow

In the name of love
What more in the name of love
In the name of love
What more in the name of love

One man caught on a barbed wire fence
One man he resist
One man washed on an empty beach.
One man betrayed with a kiss

In the name of love
What more in the name of love
In the name of love
What more in the name of love

(nobody like you...)

Early morning [evening], April 4
Shot rings out in the Memphis sky
Free at last, they took your life
They could not take your pride

In the name of love
What more in the name of love
In the name of love
What more in the name of love
In the name of love
What more in the name of love...