
Saturday, January 24, 2009

An Open Letter to British "Bishop" Richard Williamson

Pope Benedict XVI recently restored excommunicated conservative French Archbishop Lefebvre and his illegally ordained bishops, one being Richard Williamson. Lefebvre never accepted the legitimacy of the Vatican II liturgical reforms (among other things). As an American who believes in liturgical diversity and one whom found great meaning and beauty in the traditional Latin Mass, Gregorian chants and the like (and resented paternalistic bishops shoving an aesthically inferior liturgy down my throat with no voice in the matter or choice), I was somewhat empathetic to Lefebvre. Pope Benedict has signaled a more tolerant attitude towards traditional expressions of worship and in the name of Christian unity welcomed the four men back into the bosom of the Church.

However, Mr. Williamson saw fit several weeks back in a taped interview recently played on Swedish television to identify his sympathy with the viewpoint of revisionist historians, whom deny the existence of gas chambers, the numbers of Jews murdered during the Holocaust, and whether the Nazi regime had established policies identifying, arresting and murdering Jews and other persecuted groups.

Before going further, let me make a couple of comments regarding the reactions to Mr. Williamson and his fellow revisionists. As an American who believes in freedom of thought, in particular, disagreeable positions, however ignorant or erroneous they may be, I don't particularly care for the policies of other countries like Germany and Canada criminalizing politically incorrect points of view. Second, to hypersensitive Jews who don't like Christians praying for their conversion or seem to think they have the right to judge and dictate the terms for ecumenical efforts, they are entitled to their point of view, but I would remind them that most of mankind would find their claim to be God's Chosen People rather presumptuous and arrogant. Pope Benedict, as a German, has attested to the reality of the Holocaust several times during his career and can't be held personally responsible for the ignorant rant of some self-important cleric.

Now, as for you, "Bishop" Williamson. May God have forgiveness on your soul, because I find it hard to forgive you. You cannot blame your ignorance on your parents and your upbringing; you clearly have a mind, free will, and know the difference between right and wrong. You knew your words would add to the already unbearable pain, burden and memories of survivors and descendants. How can you do this to our brothers and sisters whose ancestors Jesus Himself loved so much, taught and served? How can you so dishonor the memory of the Lord, Whom Himself forgave all and taught us to love our brothers and sisters?

There is no greater slander to the memory of those whom were murdered than to deny the fact of their suffering and sacrifice. These things happened before I was born; I am haunted by the knowledge that whatever was done to protect the innocent was not enough. One should never lose his possessions, his family, his very life for the act of praying to God in a most beautiful way, of honoring and worshipping Him with wondrous prayers and songs that echo through the centuries, in many cases known and spoken by our Lord.

Even one victim of hateful rhetoric is one too many, and it is a horrible thing knowing that many claiming to be a follower of Christ through the centuries have persecuted the children of the people He so loved. I will not abide by your disingenuous attempts to sanitize the memories of war criminals, whom knowingly did or aided and abetted unspeakable things to elders, wives and children, despite having elders, wives and children of their own. They did a ghastly thing, and history has convicted them. My tears are for the children whom died before they could blossom, for the parents whom died a harder death, knowing at the end they were unable to save their children; I have no tears left for the perpetrators or those whom defend the indefensible.

Mr. Williamson, you may say that there is no wall, but the wall stands fast, despite your denial. I call on you to publicly repent, to beg forgiveness from those whom you have dishonorably denied, and to implore God for His forgiveness of your sin against His children. God heard the prayers of millions of dying people whom had done no wrong, and He will be just.