
Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain: Additional Homestretch Themes

The Obama Tax Plan: Tax Hikes for Job Creators, Welfare Checks for No Taxable Income

What Obama didn't admit to the American people was that he told Joe Wurzelbacher, a.k.a. "Joe the Plumber" that he thought redistribution by the government was a good idea. Did Joe work 12-hour days for liberals like Obama whom believe they know better than Joe does what to do with his hard-earned money? Maybe Joe feels that he can better results voluntarily contributing to the American Red Cross than how FEMA wasted tax dollars in warehousing undistributed bagged ice and buying toxic trailers or how New Orleans mayor Nagin left unoccupied buses flooded out during Hurricane Katrina. What about the moral hazard of giving people with no taxable income a reward for not working towards a better-paying job and becoming a taxpayer? 

McCain: Steps to a Stronger Economy and More Jobs

The Democrats have not learned from history; for example, in the aftermath of the 1993 upper-bracket tax rate hikes, projected revenues fell well short of targets. In contrast, under Bush's lower tax rates, not only have we seen higher tax collections, but the upper-income taxpayers pay most of them, and 40% of working Americans do not have to pay federal income tax. Also, longer-term capital gains are typically nominal in nature. which means that part of the difference reflects inflation vs. real gain.

McCain: I'm Not George Bush

The (paraphrased) memorable line ("I'm not President Bush; if you wanted George Bush, you should have run against him 4 years ago") should be reprised. Point out, in terms of domestic policy, McCain is repealing the top corporate income tax rate of 35% (inherited from the 1993 Clinton tax hike), opposed Bush's contribution to entitlement spending, the Medicare Drug Coverage, and has been critical of the President and the Congress (including fellow Republicans) on spending. There are the other differences McCain mentioned (except his 2001 and 2003 votes against the Bush tax cuts): for example, Iraq deployment, climate change, and torture.

The Obama Tax and Spend Plan: Too Good to be True?

Obama promises that he will give tax cuts to 95% of taxpayers, funded by raising the tax hikes on 5%--and also pay for over $800M in new spending "pay as you go". Remind taxpayers if it sounds too good to be true, it's because it is. Remind voters of Santayana once said: "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." In 1992, Bill Clinton ran on a middle-class tax cut and then, with a Democratic Congress, delivered the 1993 tax hike. However, what we know is only one candidate is for a government spending freeze (except for defense, veterans), and only one candidate wants an across-the-board tax rate freeze: McCain.

John McCain: The Sheriff

The first thing McCain should do, if elected President, is to have Rudy Giuliani, his announced choice for Attorney General, prosecute any criminal activity involved in the steps leading to the federal bailout: lenders who pushed gimmick loans on people whom couldn't handle reset or recast payments with their present income and/or did not verify creditworthiness of the loan, putting unduly at risk lender shareholders/owners. He should also prosecute any misrepresentations by the homebuyer regarding stated income. Second, he should immediately call on the Fed Reserve to outlaw option ARM's or related predatory-type loans. Third, we need to look at capitalization, liquidity and disclosure requirements in the financial services sector, and ensure newer financial products have functionally comparable risk-related transaction restrictions (e.g., against naked short selling), including credit default swaps (CDS).

Pelosi to Reid to Obama: Double Play: No Checks, No Balances

One statistic I've repeated in my posts is that fact that when Bush has taken a position on a Senate vote, Barack Obama has voted with the majority of his party 96% of time. Just as Bush was reluctant to challenge an overspending Republican Congress, I do not trust Obama to maintain fiscal discipline, especially in a recessionary environment. I'm also troubled by the prospect of a Senate confirming Obama's activist judge selections.

Catholic/Evangelical Markets: Vote  Pro-Life: McCain-Palin

Obama makes his FIRST priority the Freedom of Choice Act. This would end restrictions on direct taxpayer funding of abortion and rule out restrictions on partial-birth, parental involvement, and informed consent. Let's get the federal government out of the abortion business. John and Cindy McCain understand, through their beautiful adopted daughter Bridget from Bangladesh, what adoption brings to a family, the real choice for pregnant women looking for options. Todd and Sarah Palin understand the issues of raising a special-needs child and the gifts of love and inspiration he or she brings to a family.