
Monday, April 21, 2014

Miscellany: 4/21/14

Quote of the Day
You are not thinking.
You are merely being logical.
Neils Bohr to Albert Einstein

We Need to Get the Government Out of Marriage and Family Issues...

Daddies and Daughters

The Miracle of Modern Technology
This 8 month old baby became deaf after contracting bacterial meningitis aged 4 months. His parents were given a choice as the disease rapidly ossified his cochlear and would have made him irreversibly deaf within weeks. Watch the moment as his cochlear implant is activated and he hears sound for the first time, and his mother's voice.

Marielle failed her newborn hearing screening, failed a follow up ABR at 6 weeks, and received hearing aids at 3 months of age. This is the first time our 3 month old baby heard sound (March 2007). When she was 2 1/2 she received an Advanced Bionics cochlear implant in her right ear.

Facebook Corner

(Reason). The latest dubious innovation in left-wing political economics is legislation that would raise the minimum wage in New York State to $15 an hour—but only for a select group of employers unlucky enough to be targeted by politicians.
95 percent of new energy revenue went to the 1 percent richest. New jobs created by lowering taxes for big business (not small, they still get taxed) increased profits and lowered wages. I am an employer and I believe in min wage. Why is it so hard to admit that big business is reaping rewards off of American labor?
As an employer, you can pay above-market wages if you are so economically illiterate. But anyone who believes that political whores are better able to determine compensation than labor market supply and demand is really a crony hoping to drive his competition out of business with unsustainable costs

(Patriot Post). Missouri Considers Right-to-Work Law. Despite GOP legislative control, it's been easier said than done:
I never liked right-to-work states. They can fire you if they don't like the shirt you have on that day, and you have no legal recourse.
it is NEVER about the color of shirt you have on...or any other trivial have been lied to.
Of course, people can get fired unfairly; it happens daily. But compulsory unionism is not the answer.

(IPI). We're nearing the finish line in the progressive income tax fight and hundreds of calls from our community are pouring into lawmakers' offices. Springfield has until May 4 to pass its latest tax-hike scheme, which would hike taxes on everyone with a taxable income of more than $22,000. Help us keep pressure on lawmakers by calling (844) 668-2945 today and demanding that your representative go on record against another Illinois tax hike by supporting House Resolution 241.
What's unfair is lower income people paying 3 times what millionaires pay in Illinois taxes overall and middle income paying double. If you ever want to lower sales and property taxes we need a fair income tax. IPI 's billionaire out of state backers disagree.
The residential "progressive" troll likes to mix and match statistics, confusing marginal tax rates with aggregate taxes. He is correct in the sense that spendaholic Illinois politicians have made the aggregate tax burden (seventh worst in the nation, by one count) the least competitive among its neighbors. He doesn't quite understand the problems associated with income taxes: economic inefficiencies, horizontal inequities, lack of transparency and the high cost of relevant compliance

(Citizens Against Government Waste). Thanks to the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program, $8.2 billion in improper Medicare payments has been recovered since its implementation in 2010. Because RACs operate on a contingency fee basis, their work does not cost taxpayers a dime. However, instead of celebrating this successful program, members of Congress, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and special interests are conspiring to kill it.
It's time to treat the disease (government intervention in the healthcare sector) instead of the symptoms. Corruption is an artifact of unbounded government.

Did Noah (With Down Syndrome) Get Accepted By His College of Choice?

Try a Little Kindness

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Lisa Benson via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My iPod Shuffle Series

Elton John, "I'm Still Standing"